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정규표현식으로 특정 확장자의 파일을 모두 찾기 본문


정규표현식으로 특정 확장자의 파일을 모두 찾기

CPP-Shooter 2019. 1. 14. 09:38

** 출처 : **

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

#include <experimental/filesystem>

#include <regex>

#include <type_traits>

namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem ;

// list of paths of all files under the directory 'dir' when the extenstion matches the regex

// file_list<true> searches recursively into sub-directories; file_list<false> searches only the specified directory

template < bool RECURSIVE > std::vector<fs::path> file_list( fs::path dir, std::regex ext_pattern )


    std::vector<fs::path> result ;

    using iterator = std::conditional< RECURSIVE,

                                       fs::recursive_directory_iterator, fs::directory_iterator >::type ;

    const iterator end ;

    for( iterator iter { dir } ; iter != end ; ++iter )


        const std::string extension = iter->path().extension().string() ;

        if( fs::is_regular_file(*iter) && std::regex_match( extension, ext_pattern ) ) result.push_back( *iter ) ;



    return result ;


// literal '.' followed by one of "cpp", "cc", "cxx", "h", "hh", "hpp" or "hxx"

// note: ?: indicates that it is a non-capturing group

static const std::regex cpp_files( "\\.(?:cpp|cc|cxx|h|hh|hpp|hxx)" ) ;

// non-recursive scan for c++ files: if dir is omitted, current directory is scanned

std::vector<fs::path> scan_cpp_files( fs::path dir = "." ) { return file_list<false>( dir, cpp_files ) ; }

// recursive scan for c++ files: if dir is omitted, current directory is scanned

std::vector<fs::path> rscan_cpp_files( fs::path dir = "." ) { return file_list<true>( dir, cpp_files ) ; }

int main()


    const fs::path win_dir = "C:/Windows/" ; // adjust as required


    // print files with extension ".log" or ".ini" in the directory win_dir (non-recursive)

    for( const auto& file_path : file_list<false>( win_dir, std::regex( "\\.(?:log|ini)" ) ) )

         std::cout << file_path << '\n' ;

    std::cout << "\n----------------------------------------------\n" ;

    // print files with extension ".log" in the directory "C:/Windows/Logs" (recursive)

    for( const auto& file_path : file_list<true>( win_dir/"Logs", std::regex( "\\.(?:log|ini)" ) ) )

        std::cout << file_path << '\n' ;

    std::cout << "\n----------------------------------------------\n" ;

    // print all c++ files the current directory (non-recursive)

    for( const auto& file_path : scan_cpp_files() )

        std::cout << file_path << '\n' ;

    std::cout << "\n----------------------------------------------\n" ;

    const fs::path vc_crt_src = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/crt/src" ;

    // print all c++ files in the directory vc_crt_src (recursive)

    for( const auto& file_path : rscan_cpp_files(vc_crt_src) )

        std::cout << file_path.parent_path().stem() / file_path.filename() << '\n' ;

    std::cout << "\n----------------------------------------------\n" ;


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